Money Saving Opportunities for BIA Members
As members of the BIA, you have access to discounts, subscriptions, and services that will help your business save money.
NAHB Savings
As a benefit of being a member, you have access to discounts and savings opportunities offered by many top companies.

Small Business Growth Partners
SBGP’s industry-specific focus allows them to help home builders, remodelers, plumbers and related vertical business achieve success by providing them with a one-of-a-kind BPA that isn’t available to the general public.

PA One Call
Membership in the BIA pays that $125 yearly subscription for you! It’s like taking $125 off your dues right off the bat! When you receive your PA One Call invoice, simply fax/email it to the BIA Office – (717) 569-5187 or

PBA Rebate Program
PBA will send builders and remodelers a check every quarter when you buy from participating companies. Associate members who supply or install any of the 50+ manufacturer brands can be listed in the Associate Directory.

National Purchasing Partners (NPP)
Through the BIA’s partnership with NPP you can save on products and services for your business and employees. Some of the discounts available to members include Verizon, Sherwin Williams, Office Depot, Airgas, and more. Membership is FREE, and there is no obligation to purchase.

My Benefit Advisor
Managing your employee benefits with industry expertise, a proven approach, and user-friendly technology.

PBA’s Workers’ Compensation Program
The PBA Workers’ Compensation Program is designed to help members by leveraging their group buying power to save on workers’ compensation costs.

Become a Member Today
Gain powerful marketing, networking, and advocacy opportunities by becoming a BIA of Lancaster member. Start the membership process today by filling out our online form.